It is with great pride we welcome you to our Church.
Since 1980, we have served a growing congregation. Today, we are honored to extend our help to communities across the Valley from our new home in North Hollywood.
Our Church realizes Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s vision that all Churches of Scientology become what he termed Ideal Organizations (Orgs). Ideal Orgs not only provide the ideal facilities to service Scientologists on their ascent to higher states of spiritual freedom, but they also serve as a home for the entire community and a meeting ground of cooperative effort to uplift people of all denominations.
To that end, we share our Church and our many social betterment and humanitarian programs with the entire San Fernando Valley.
We look forward to working with every group and individual dedicated to revitalizing our society, in the same spirit the Valley has become a diverse cultural epicenter of Earth.
Together, we can achieve our common dream of a drug-free, crime-free and flourishing future for all.
Dirigirte al norte sobre la subida de Hollywood, cruza Mulholland Drive, y contempla un valle salpicado con piscinas, limoneros y que se extiende para ser visto por todos los ojos. Con 673 kilómetros cuadrados, el San Fernando Valley es el hogar de 1.8 millones de habitantes, los estudios de cine más prominentes del mundo y fondos que aparecen en el cine americano desde Casablanca a ET. Es una paradoja típica de la sociedad actual: justo al lado pero de alguna manera aún está a un mundo de distancia.
Pero entre todo eso, una nueva luz brilla a través de las cuarenta y cuatro ciudades y comunidades de la región: desde Burbank y Glendale a Hidden Hills y Calabasas a San Fernando y Universal City, la nueva Iglesia de Scientology de Valley sirve todos los rincones de la cuenca.